Floreal pattern in eastern carpet



The carpet isn't just an important furniture element but also a piece of art, expression of different cultures which have a very very long history and tradition.

Asian populations, dreamers and spiritual, naturally create and design art expressions. The original carpet was not created for commerce: it is linked to asian tendences and preferences and must be transmitted from generations to younger generations.  The art of carpet will always be an expression of the asian heart and will represent the eternal and atavic aspiration to Beauty, which belongs to divine cult, a keystone of every human action. Infact Maometto imagined Eden's flower garden on top of a mountain, where a fountain was surrounded by seats covered with colourful carpets.

Traditionally the best and greatest presents exchanged amongst Asian people were always carpets: this was well experienced by European ruling families, which received very precious carpets from Scià, Sultans and Califfos.

Venice's Dogi were given lots of carpets and today it's possible to admire some of them ( carpets sent in 1603 and 1621 from Abbas the Great to Marino Grimani ) in San Marco's Basilica. The 1621 embassy was so glorious and magnificient that Venetian Assembly decided to capture its memory with the famous painting of Gabriele Callari, which today is still in Palazzo Ducale 4 Doors Room.

These populations, with their cultures, teaches us that the carpet is like Eden's Garden, entering our houses; and a house without carpets is like a garden without flowers.